Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. VARIOUS SUBJECTS


Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 1860 - 1985. Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection. 1964 - 1980. VARIOUS SUBJECTS


Vs, Frank Pace is sworn in as Sec'y of the Army. Present at the ceremony are Secretaries Johnston, Dean Acheson, the Pace family and others. LS, troops at Ft Benning, Ga. display their "infantry of murder attack" for Pres Truman. LLS, Truman watches B36s and jet fighers fly overhead. LS, B-36 drops its pay load of bombs which fall in rapid succession in a straight line. LS, West Point graduates in last review, followed by review of other cadets by the graduation class. LS, int, commencement exercises and throwing of caps by graduates. MCU, former 1st Lt, veteran of Korea, now a graduate of West Point and commissioned as 2nd Lt. MSs, Truman at Reserve Officers' Association. Question is put to members as to how they feel about the President's action on Korea. The response is a tremendous ovation. Truman then speaks and says action is in the hope of peace. MSs, Truman steps off plane at Wake Island and is greeted by Gen McArthur. MLS, bldg in which discussions were held by the President and the Gen. MCUs, McArthur, Sec'y Pace and Bradley. MS, MCU, Joe Brown receives certificate of appreciation in Washington, D.C. MSs, Pres Truman presents three Medals of Honor for service in Korea. VS, a one man jet-jeep helicopter goes through its manuevers as Sec'y Pace watches.

eng, Latn

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